Nothern Cyprus – A trip to another unrecognized republic. Famagusta and Salamis in one day.
Nothern Cyprus or rather The Turkish Republic of Nothern Cyprus is not recognized by any EU country and unlike their neighbour - The ...
Best from Newfounland, Canada
Hows you gettin' on, cocky? Newfie accent is pretty famous, but no worries you will understand Newfoundlanders with no problem. If ...
Mount Aragats – Armenia’s Tallest Mountain
How to climb up the highest peak of Armenia? How difficult is it? How long does it take? When I was planning the trip to Armenia I ...
Explore underrated destinations of Gdansk and Warsaw by bus
I love spontaneous trips. In July I have been to Poland with a friend of mine and we had a blast there. Poland is cool, ...
What you should visit in Toronto, Canada?
I am sure that everyone has to love Toronto! You won´t find it as vibrant as New York or London, but Toronto is really sweet as all ...