Speakers? Yes, that´s us. Pardubice Barcamp.
Here we go! Off to Pardubice, Czech republic! Off to Barcamp!
In June me and Diana applied to speakers call for Pardubice Barcamp organised by Czech Council of Children and Youth. Do you know what Barcamp is? BarCamp is an international format of conferences primarily focused around technology and IT. Content is usually proved by participants. This one was focused mainly on youth and active citizenship.
We came up with a lecture on millennials, burnout syndrome and effective work techniques. Me neither Diana gives lectures in huge assembly halls frequently. To be honest, we had been scared of our lecture a bit, but at the end almost everything worked well. Diana even spoke off-the-cuff for 5 min at the beginning, because we had some troubles with PC in the assembly hall.
Then lunch, power nap and back to work. We were supposed to facilitate a workshop on Prahaton, an event which we found out 3 years ago and still actively organise. Both of us were looking forward to having this session. We know everything from A-Z about Prahaton ( and we will publish an article about it soon!) and we love other NGOs or initiatives who are active changing public ares in our cities. Our workshop was a great success, our participants totally enjoyed it!
We got to spend one more day in Pardubice, so we did a bit of sightseeing as well. We couldn´t have missed that! We visited famous city crematorium, where couple of movies were filmed. In city center we loved their picturesque square, green gate and castle. Few hours is probably enough for visiting tis city, but it is definitely worth it. If you are there during afternoon, visit Café Bajer and order their delicious waffles or hot chocolate. They are supposed to be the best ones in the Czech republic.


Pardubice castle
Have you ever attended or heard about Barcamp?